Staff Publication

  1. October, 2022;  Knowledge and practices of mothers on home management of diarrhoea in under-fives children at selected primary health care Centre, Rwanda: A descriptive cross-sectional study, By Archange Ndayisaba, RN,BSN, MSN(Pediatric) etal, Published in International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences ,Vol.17, ISSN: 100508,  Doi: ,  Available at :
  2. December, 2021; L’ humanisme intégral en Afrique face aux exigences de la réconciliation. Données empiriques et socio-anthropologiques à partir du Rwanda, By  Dr. DUSHIMIYIMANA Innocent, (Fr),PhD;; Available at:
  3. September 2021; Cigarette smoking and hypertension among adult outpatients: An explanatory evidence model from a rural District Hospital, Rwanda By HABIMANA Jean Felix, RMIO, BSc(MIS), MSc, etal,; Published in Global Scientific Journal,Vol.9,Issue9, ISSN 2320-9186; Available at:
  4. April,2021 ; Screen, Notify, See, and Treat: Initial Results of Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment in Rwanda; By Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in JCO Glob Oncology: American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal,Vol.7:632-638 ; Available at:
  5. November,2020 ; Radiographic findings among patients presenting with lower limb pathologies in a Rwandan hospital, By HABIMANA Jean Felix, RMIO, BSc(MIS), MSc., etal,  Published in Nigeria Journal of Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy; Volume 9;  Available at:
  6. August,2020 ; Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Herth Hope Index in Kinyarwanda: adapting a positive psychosocial tool for healthcare recipients and providers in the Rwandan setting;  By Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in BMC, Health Qual Life Outcomes. ; 18: 286; Available at : ;  doi: 10.1186/s12955-020-01537-3
  7. July,2019; Role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of gestational trophoblastic disease in Rwanda rural health facilities- a case report;  By HABIMANA Jean Felix, RMIO, BSc(MIS), MSc., Published in : Journal of world Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, ISSN: 0301-5629, Vol: 45, Page: S96 Available at:
  8. June,2019; Effects of a large-scale distribution of water filters and natural draft rocket-style cookstoves on diarrhea and acute respiratory infection: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Western Province, Rwanda ; By Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: PLoS Medicine, 3;16(6):e1002812; Available at:
  9. April, 2019; Innovative domestic financing for health research & development in the east african community;  By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: BMJ, Global Health, Vol4(3); Available at:
  10. April, 2019; Assessment of ethics review frameworks for health research in east africa for purposes of harmonization; By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: British Medical Journal Global Health 4(Suppl 3):A8.3-A9 ; Available at:
  11. March,2017 ; “Knowledge, attitude, and practice among surgical team members on blood and body fluids exposure prevention at University Teaching Hospital of Kigali;by Eric KARERA ,MScN, BScN, OT.Nurse, RN.”. Published and available at:
  12. July, 2017; Knowledge, attitude, and practice about cervical cancer prevention among women attending maternity department at Ruli Hospital;  By Sylvestre NTIRENGANYA, RN, PGCTLHE, MScN ; Published and  Available at:
  13. January ,2015; Improving quality through performance-based financing in district hospitals in Rwanda between 2006 and 2010: a 5-year experience ; By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: Sage Journals, Tropical Doctor,45(1):27-35; Available at: ; or ;
  14. December, 2015; Extending the Right to Health to the Moment of Death: End of Life Care and the Right to Palliation in Rwanda; By   Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: Health and Human Rights journal ; Available at:
  15. July, 2014; Rwanda 20 years on: investing in life ; By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: Lancet 2014 Jul 4;384(9940):371-5 ; Available at:
  16. November,2013; The human resources for health program in Rwanda–new partnership; By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: The New England Journal Medicine 2013 11;369(21):2054-9; Available at:  or ;
  17. August ,2013; Shared learning in an interconnected world: innovations to advance global health equity ; By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal.,  Published in: Globalization Health. 2013; 9: 37; Available at: ; ;
  18. March, 2012; Transforming South-South technical support to fight noncommunicable diseases; By  Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal. ;  Published in:  Global Heart 7(1):35–45 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.gheart.2012.01.009 ; Available at:
  19. February,2010; Improving the management of a community based growth-monitoring program for children in rural Rwanda;  By   Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal,  ; Available at:
  20. July, 2009; Performance-based financing for better quality of services in Rwandan health centres: 3-year experience; By   Dr. NGIRABEGA Jean De Dieu, MD, MPH, MSc, PhD, etal ; Available at:  ;